E-Tender Notices
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)/03/24-25 Internal Electrification of SBI Chief Manager Quarter & General Manager Quarter under Balurghat Municipality
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/13/2024-25 regarding construction and upgradaton of different CC Rroad in various ward within Balurghat Municipality vide Memo-3430 PW 1, dt.10.12.2024
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)02/24-25 regarding electrification works of 25 Nos. Water Cooler Machines at different location as per enclosed list within Balurghat Municipal Area, Memo No. 3326/PW(Elec)-4 Dt. 02.12.2024
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(COMP)01/24-25(2nd Call) regarding Supply and Installation of CCTV Surveillance under Balurghat Municipality.
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/PW/12/24-25, regarding laying part of Pipe lines from Hili MOre towards Biswas Para in PWD Road with newly added branch roads in different wards under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/O&M/11/24-25(2nd Call) regardig Operation & Maintenance of 38 nos. Water Cooler Machine vide Memo 2852/PW-1 dt. 25.10.2024
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/10/24-25 regarding fixing of 100 nos. Iron frame with clumps at various location etc. vide Memo 2893/PW-1 dated 25.10.2024
NOTICE INVITING e-QUOTATION NO: MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/24-25, Memo No. 2299/PW(Elect)-2 Dt. 18.09.2024
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/27/23-24 (2nd Call) , Memo No. 2233/PW-1 Dt.11.09.2024 Renovation and upgradation of bituminus roads at Ward No. 20 under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)03/24-25 (2nd Call), Memo No. 2229/PW(Elec)-2 Dt. 11.09.2024
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/09/24-25 Memo. 2214/HS-20 Dt.11.09.2024
NIQ for Supply and Installation of Marshall Pump at Banalata Park with necessary fittings and others Memo No. 2151/PW-1 Dt.06.09.2024
Corrigendum against NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/24-25 regarding internal electrification of community hall in ward no, 7
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/07/24-25 regarding renovation and upgradation of Bituminus Roads at different locations of all wards under Balurghat Municipality Memo no. 864/PW-1 dated 21.06.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/07/24-25 regarding renovation and upgradation of Bituminus Roads at different locations of all wards under Balurghat Municipality Memo no. 864/PW-1 dated 21.06.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/07/24-25 regarding renovation and upgradation of Bituminus Roads at different locations of all wards under Balurghat Municipality Memo no. 864/PW-1 dated 21.06.2023
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/24-25 regarding INternal electrification of Community hall and Flood Shelter in Ward no. 7 vide Memo No.1889/PW(Elec)-4 Dt. 22.08.2024
NIeQ for introducing /writing pole number on the electric poles of WBSEDCL & Municipality within Balurghat Municipality, 1734/PW(Elec)-3 Dt.12.08.2024
NIeQ for AMC of 57 Nos. AC Machines under Balurghat Municipality, 1741/PW(Elec)-2 Dt.12.08.2024
NIeT Construction and up gradation and renovation of Utsab Bhaban outer side at Sahebkachari under Balurghat Municipality. Memo No. 1466/PW-1 Dt. 26.07.2024
NIeT Day to Day Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply Distribution System with Zone I to IV under Balurghat Municipality, Memo No. 1474/WS/PW-3 Dt. 26.07.2024
NIeQ for Renovation and up gradation of SBI Quarter and Other Portion at SBI Office 2nd Floor within Balurghat Municipality. Memo No. 1282/PW-1 Dt. 11.07.2024
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/03/24-25 Memo No. 1184/PW-1 Dt. 05.07.2024 regarding renovation and upgradation of Masonry drain
e-Auction for lease to run Canteen Memo No. 1154-PW-1 Dt. 03.07.2024 (2nd Call)
NIeT for Construction of CC Road including protection wall from H/O Bishu Das Paul at Shantimoy Ghosh Colony in Ward No. 25 under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/BB/KOL/01/24-25(2nd Call) Memo No. 1028/PW-1 Dt. 25.06.2024
e-Auction for lease to run Canteen 1003-PW-1 22.06.2024
NIeQ for "Introducing / writing pole numbers on the electric poles of WBSEDCL & Municipality within Balurghat Municipal are (Within 16,17,18,23,24 & 25)"
NIeQ for Supply and Installation of 8 Nos. Air Conditioner Machines including required internal electrification at Balurghat Poura Hospital & Matrisadan under Balurghat Municipality.
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/31/23-24 regarding Renovation and Upgradation of High Drain within ward no. 16,17,21,22,23,24,25 vide Memo No. 4092/PW-1 Dt. 12.03.2024
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/NULM/01/23-24(2nd Call) Supply and Installation of Laptop, Desktop etc. under Balurghat MUnicipality.
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/30/23-24 Construction of Room for Drinking Water purifier machines at different Wards within Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/05/23-24 Procurement and Installation of 5(Five) nos. of Hydraulic Dustbin including all taxes for Sanitary & Conservancy department under Balurghat Municipality.
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/GCM/28/23-24 Various Schemes under Green City Mission within Balurghat Municipality
NieQ: MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/27/23-24 Construction and upgradation of Cement concrete roads, M Drain, Bituminus Road and Community Toilet in various Wards with Balurghat Municipality.
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/NULM/01/23-24 Supply and Installation of Laptop, Desktop, Xerox cum Printer, Inkjet Color Printer, Bio-metric Device, Laptop Bag, Smartphone and Tab under NULM Section within Balurghat Municipality.
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/23-24(3rd Call) regarding renovation and up-gradation of massonry Drain lending from Renuka Lodge to Duckbunlow Club in Duckbunlowpara under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/PW/26/23-24 Laying part of pipe lines in newly added branch roads within Zone- I,II,III & IV in various wards under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/27/23-24 Renovation and upgradation of Women Hostel (Right Side Portion) building within Balurghat Municipality
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)05/23-24 Memo no. 3509/PW(Elect)-4 Dated. 07.02.2024 Electrification works of 30 nos. water cooler machines at different locations as per enclosed list within Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/23-24(2nd Call) regarding mentioned works
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)02/23-24(2nd Call) regarding renovation and upgradation of old existing Electric Crematorium
NIeQ for Construction and upgradation of different Masonry drains in Various Wards within Balurghat Municipality.
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/PW/25/23-24 For Installation of IEP, Construction of Blower Room, surface drain, platform and upgradation of OHR site by CC Work, boundary wall etc.
NIeQ for Renovation and upgradation of Old Existing Electric Crematorium under Balurghat Municipality.
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/22/23/24(2nd Call) and this office Memo No. 3158/PW-1 Dt. 09.01.2023 regarding Development of land, pathway, boundary wall electrification work and sinking of submersible pump including installation of 30 mtr long Flag mast pole etc.
NIQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/20/23-24(2nd Call) regarding supply and delivery at the site of ISI Mark Socket and Spigot joining system, centrifugally cast K7 Pipes conforming to IS 8329:2000 (Third revision)
NIQ 06/BM/PW/2023-24 regarding Construction and upgradation works in different places under Balurghat Municipality.
NieQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/24/23-24 regarding Construction and upgradation of cement concrete road beside sanlap club within Ward No. 23 & 24 under Balurghat Municipality.
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/23-24 NIeT for Installation of 60 Watt LED Street Light and LED Mini-Mast for Balurghat Municipality Memo. 3102/PW(Elec)-4 Dt. 05.01.2024
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/22/23-24 & Memo No. 2699/PW-1 Dt. 04.12.2023 Development of land, pathway,boundary wall,electrification work and sinking of submersible pump including installation of 30 mtr long Flag mast pole supply and fixing of National Flag
MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/04/23-24 & Memo No. 2695/HS-20 Dt. 04.12.2023 Procurement and Installation of 1(One) Hearse (Dead body carrying Vehicle) including all taxes and on road price for sanitary and conservancy department under Balurghat Municipality.
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/27/22-23(2nd Call) Dt.04.12.2023 & Memo. 2687/PW-1 Dt. 04.12.2023 Construction of Masonry drains from near Electric Pole no BM168/07 to H/O Bhopal Talukder near Venus Kali Mandir at Ward No. 06
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/21/23-24, Memo. 2666/PW-1 Dt. 01.12.2023 Construction and up gradation of cement concrete road and community Hall in various wards within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLRG/S&C/03/23-24 NIeQ for procurement of 1(One) Small Size Cess-pool emptier fitted with small hathi under Balurghat Municipality. Memo No. 2651/HS-20 Dt.29.11.2023
MAD/ULB/BLRG/PW/20/23-24 NIeQ regarding supplying of DI Pipe materials for one year period for Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/15/23-24(3rd Call) Construction of 275 nos. RCC slabs at various places within Ward No.1 to 25 under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/23-24(2nd Call) Renovation and upgradation of masonry drain leading from Renuka Lodge to duckbanglow club
Corrigendum against NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)03/23-24 regarding Decorative Lighting arrangement at Balurghat Gate vide Memo 2216/PW(Elec.)-4 Dt. 11.10.2023
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)03/23-24 regarding Decorative Lighting arrangement at Balurghat Gate vide Memo 2216/PW(Elec.)-4 Dt. 11.10.2023
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/09/23-24(2nd Call) Construction and up gradation of cement concrete reads in Ward no. 6 within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/19/23-24 regarding renovation and up-gradation of Municipal Office Building under Balurghat Municipality.
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/18/23-24 Regarding construction and upgradation of CC road and M.Drain vide Memo 1949/PW-1 Dated 20.09.2023
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&/02/23-24 Regarding Remodeling upgrading and renovation of 26 nos one hydraulic Toto to Two chambered hydraulic Toto vide Memo 1939/HS-20 Dated 19.09.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/15/23-24(2nd Call) Regarding construction of 275 nos. RCC slabs at various places vide Memo 1937/PW-1 Dated 19.09.2023
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/23-24 Construction and up-gradation of different CC Roads, Masonry Drain and Structural gate in various Wards within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/16/23-24 Supply of 2 Nos. FRP Paddle Boat 4(Four) seater each & 1 no. Mickey Mouse Slider Bouncy for Banolata Park under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)02/23-24 "Construction and Up-gradation of Balurghat Kalyani Ghat including automated arrangement of idol immersion at river Atrai in Ward No. 12 under Balurghat Municipality"
NIQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/10/23-24(2nd Call) Construction and up-gradation of CC Road leading from H/o Gopen Sarkar to Dey house, H/o Kanta Dutta to rabin murmu in Ward No. 15.
NieQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/BEUP/PW/07/23-24(2nd Call) Construction and Up-gradation of different CC Roads, Drain and Dustbin in various Wards under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/15/23-24 Construction of 275 Nos. RCC Slabs at various places within Ward No. 1 to 25 under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)02/23-24 Annual maintainance contact for 45 nos. air-conditioner machines of Balurghat Municipality.
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/14/23-24 Construction of Road Devider of Ward No. 10 & 19 within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/AMRUT2/01/23-24(2nd Call) Supply of Laptops, Desktop, Printer and Computer accessories under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/13/23-24 Construction of room for Drinking Water including water purifier machines at different wards under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/12/23-24 Renovation and upgardation of different Bituminous Roads within Balurghat Municipality
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/23-24(2nd Call) regarding Supply & installation fo Solar Mast lights vide Memo no. 1126/PW(Elec.)-4 Dated 17.07.2023
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/HEALTH/PW-08/23-24(2nd Call) regarding various type of renovation and upgradation works of Matri sadan Building vide Memo 1229/PW-1 Dated 28.07.2023
MAD/ULB/BLGT/BMUPHC/01/22-23(3rd Call) Supply and Installartion of Laproscopy OT Instruments for Poura Hospital & Matrisadan under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/11/23-24 Construction of Boundary Wall including other works at Parking near Andalan Setu in Ward No. 12 and Taxi Stand Ward No. 19 within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/23-24 (2nd Call) dated. 17.07.2023 Regarding Supply and Installation of Solar Mast Lights within Balurghat Municipal Area.
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/10/23-24 Construction and Up gradation of different CC Roads and Building in various words within Balurghat Municipality.
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/09/23-24 regarding construction and upgradation of different C.C.Roads in various wards within Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/AMRUT2/01/23-24 Supply of Laptops, Desktop, Printer and Computer accessories under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/22-23 Regarding Supply and installation of 7 nos. Air-Conditioner machine including required internal electrification Memo. no. 905/PW(Elec.)-3 Dated 26.06.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/08/23-24 regarding construction and upgradation of different C.C.Roads and Masonry drains in various wards within Balurghat Municipality Memo no. 864/PW-1 dated 21.06.2023
MAD/ULB/BLGT/BMUPHC/01/22-23(2nd Call) Supply and Installartion of Laproscopy OT Instruments for Poura Hospital & Matrisadan under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/23-24 dated. 02.06.2023 Regarding Supply and Installation of Solar Mast Lights within Balurghat Municipal Area.
MAD/ULB/BLGT/HEALTH/PW/08/23-24 dated. 01.06.2023 Regarding Various types of renovation and up gradation works of Matrisadan Building under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/BEUP/PW/07/23-24 dated. 27.05.2023 Regarding Construction and Up-gradation of Different CC Roads, Drains and Dustbin in Various wards under Balurghat Municipality.
MAD/ULB/BLGT/O&M/06/23-24 (2ND CALL) Date. 17.05.2023 regarding O&M of 38 nos. Water Cooler machine and 8 Nos. Water Vending Machine at different spots within Balurghat Municipality for 1 Year
MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/01/23-24(2ND CALL) Date. 17.05.2023 regarding procurement of 02(Two) nos. of TATA ACE (Chho Hathi) and 5(Five) nos. TATA Tripper Truck with automated hydraulic along with dry and wet compart
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/03/23-24(2ND CALL) 15.05.2023 regarding construction and upgradation of C.C.Road and Masonry Drain in Ward No. 24 within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/25/22-23(3RD CALL) 15.05.2023 regarding construction of Passenger Shade at Raghunathpur in front of Satkar Samity near Balurghat District Hospital
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/30/22-23(2ND CALL) Dated. Dated. 15.05.2023 regarding construction and up-gradation of Roads, Masonry Drains, Buildings under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/30/22-23(2ND CALL) Dated. Dated. 15.05.2023 regarding construction and up-gradation of Roads, Masonry Drains, Buildings under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/06/23-24 Regarding Supply and installation a Statue of Birsha Munda and preparing of base and shade including decoration with necessary lighting arrangements of the statue
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/05/23-24(2nd Call) Regarding Supply and Installation of Statue of Late Manmatho Roy including lighting arrangement
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/25/22-23 (2nd Call)regarding construction and up gradation of CC Roads, Masonry Drain and Building in various places under Balurghat Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/O&M/06/23-24 Regarding Operation and Minatenance of 38 nos. Water Cooler Machine and 8 nos. Water Vending Machine at difference spots within Balurghat Municipality - 185/PW-1 Dt. 20.03.2023
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/05/23-24 regarding Supply and Installation of Statue of Late Manmatho Roy including arrangement inside of Manmatho Mancho premises with 2(Two) years maintenance under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/01/23-24 regarding procurement of 2(Two) Nos. of TATA Ace (Chota Hathi) and 5 (Five) Nos. TATA Tripper Truck with automatic hydraulic along with dry and wet compart for Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/HEALTH/01/23-24 regarding procurement of 1(One) CCU Ambulance for Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/O&M/04/23-24 regarding Day to Day operation and maintenance of Water Supply Distribution System with Zone I to IV
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/02/23-24 regarding Construction and upgradation of CC. Roads, Masonry Drains and Building in various wards under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/03/23-24 regarding Construction and upgradation of roads, drains and building in various wards under Balurghat Municipality
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/01/23-24 regarding Renovation / Repairing / Upgradation and Modification of Building of Balurghat Bhawan, Salt Lake under Balurghat Municipality - 24/PW-1 Dt. 05.04.2023
MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/PW/31/22-23 regarding laying part of pipelines at newly added branch roads in Zone I,II,III and IV and other places along PWD Road and NH512 in various wards within Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/30/22-23 regarding Construction and up gradation of Roads, Drains and Building
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/24/22-23 (2nd Call) Regardign construction and renovation of Masonry Drain in different places of Balurghat Municipality
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/29/22-23 Memo no. 3740/PW-1 Dated. 15.03.2023 Construction of Room for Drinking Water
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/28/22-23 Memo no. 3716/PW-1 Dated. 14.03.2023 Renovation of Exist ground Floor and construction of Municipal Office Building at First Floor over existing Ground Floor beside Khanika
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/22/22-23(2nd Call) regarding Sinking of Big dia Tube well by D.R. Rlg method using PVC pipe and Gravel filter inclduing supply of materials 3704/PW-1 dT. 13.03.2023
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/26/22-23 regarding repairing of 2 nos Toy trans including the accessories and replacement of wooden sleeper by RCC sleeper at Suresh Ranjan and banalata park 3705/PW-1 dT. 13.03.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/27/22-23 Tegarding construction and upgradation of CC Pavement Masonry Drain and Building in various wards 3706/PW-1 dT. 13.03.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/11/22-23 (3rd Call) Regarding repairing of Community Hall in ward no. 1 & 20 within Balurghat Municipality 3671/PW-1 Dt. 09.03.2023
NIeT MADULBBLGTPW2522-23 Regarding construction and upgradation of CC road, Masonry Drain and Building 3649/PW-1 dt. 06.03.2023
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/SWM/01/22-23 Regarding procuremnt of Hydraulic Trailers with Compartmentalized 3634/SWM/PW-1 dt. 04.03.2023
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/04/22-23(2nd Call) Regarding Remodeling and upgradation of Scrap dustbin and wate tank 3635/HS-20 dt. 04.03.2023
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)08/22-23(3rd Call) Memo no. 3577/PW(Elec.)-4 Dt. 28.02.2023 NIeT regarding Supply, erection, fitting and fixing of 1 no. 16 mtr. High mast Flood Light
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/24/22-23 Memo 3589/PS-III/ PW-1 Dt. 01.03.2023 Regardign construction and renovation of Masonry Drain in different places of Balurghat Municipality
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/16/22-23(2nd Call) Memo 3562/PW-1 Dt. 28.02.2023 Regardign construction of RCC Slabs in different places of Balurghat Municipality
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT(ELECTRICAL)03/22-23 (2ND CALL) Memo 3469/PW(ELEC)-3 Dt. 20.02.2023 Supplying & Installation of 30 wt outdoor type LED street lights within different locations of Balurghat Municipal Area"
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT(ELECTRICAL)03/22-23 (2ND CALL) Memo 3469/PW(ELEC)-3 Dt. 20.02.2023 Supplying & Installation of 30 wt outdoor type LED street lights within different locations of Balurghat Municipal Area"
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/23/22-23 Memo 3465/PW-1 dt. 20.02.2023 Construction and upgradation of different Masonry Drains in various wards within Balurghat Municipality
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/22/22-23 Memo 3377/PW-3 dt. 10.02.2023 Regarding sinking of Big dia Tube well by D.R. Rig method using PVC pipe & Gravel Filter including supply of Materials
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)07/22-23(2nd Call) Memo 3384/PW(Elec)-4 Dt. 10.02.2023 Regardign construction and upgradation of UPHC-1 Building for installation of Digital Radiography for Polyclinic
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/HEALTH/PW/20/22-23(2nd Call) Memo 3383/HEALTH/PW-1 Dt. 10.02.2023 Regardign construction and upgradation of UPHC-1 Building for installation of Digital Radiography for Polyclinic
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/22-23 Memo no. 3271/PW(Elec.)-3 dt. 02.02.2023 NIeQ regarding Introducing writing POle number on the electrical polles of WBSEDCL & Municipality
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)03/22-23 Memo no. 3270/PW(Elec.)-3 dt. 02.02.2023 NIeQ regarding Supply and Installation of 30W outdoor type LED street light
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)08/22-23(2nd Call) Memo no. 3070/PW(Elec.)-4 dt. 09.01.2023 NIeT regarding Supply, erection, fittign and fixing of 1 no. 16 mtr. High mast Flood Light
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/21/22-23 Memo no. 3272/PW-1 dt. 02.02.2023 NIeQ regarding construction of room for drinking water including water purifier machine
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/BMUPHC/01/22-23 Memo 3275/BM/UPHC/G-8 dt. 02/02/2023 Supply and installation of Laparoscopy OT instruments for Poura Hospital and Matrisadan
MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/03/22-23 Procurement of Stainless Steel water tank Two wheel dustbin under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/04/22-23 Remodelling and upgradation of scrap dustbin and water tank under Balurghat Municipality
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(Electrical)02/22-23 Supply & installation of 1(one)no. analog watch with GPS system including fiber glass Biswa Bangla Globe Sculpture in Public Bus Stand
MAD/ULB/BLGT/(Electrical)07/22-23 Construction and up gradation of UPHC-1 Building for installation of Digital Radiography for Polyclinic
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/20/22-23 Construction and up gradation of UPHC-1 Building for installation of Digital Radiography for Polyclinic
MAD/ULB/BLGT//PW/19/22-23(2nd Call) Renovation and up gradation of Bituminous Road from H/O Sudhir Sarkar near Loknath Mandir
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(Electrical)/01/22-23 Repairing of 200 KVA transformer and HT Gear also at Khidirpur Burning Ghat within Balurghat Municipal area.
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(Electrical)/06/22-23(2nd Call) Remodeling of internal electrification of Matri Sadan under Balurghat Municipality
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/22-23(2nd Call) regarding construction of 125mm thick brick partition wall at shelter for shelterless building-2789/PW-1 Dt. 13.12.2022
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/22-23 (2nd Call) NIeQ regarding supply and installation of various apparatus for open Gym including all taxes 2781/PW-1 dt. 12.12.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)05/22-23 regarding Remodeling of internal electrification of Matri Sadan under Balurghat Municipality 2687/PW(Elec)-4 dt. 28.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/22-23 regarding supply erection fittings and fixing of 1 no 16 mtr. High Mast Flood Light 2686/PW(Elec)-4 dt. 28.11.2022
NIeQ no. MAD/ULB/BLGT/AMRUT/HSC/PW/05/22-23(2nd Call) Regarding House service connection or similar nature of work 2653/AMRUT/HSC/PW-1 Dt. 25.11.2022
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/14/22-23 (2nd Call) regarding repairing of 2 nos. Toy Trains including the accessories 2568/PW-1 Dt. 18.11.2022
NIeT No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/ODF/PW/18/22-23 NIeT regarding Renovation and Refurbishment of Community Toilet under ODF 2546/PW-1 Dt. 17.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/22-23 regarding construction of 125 mm brick partition wall at Shelter for Shelterless Building-2526/PW-1 Dt. 16.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/07/22-23(3rd Call) regarding construction and upgradation of Bituminus road in front of NBSTC Dipo at Power House Para in ward no. 1 (2525/PW-1 Dt. 16.11.2022)
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/06/22-23(4th Call) regarding renovation and upgradation of superstructure for foot bridge over danga khari-2524/PW-1 Dt. 16.11.2022
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/17/22-23 regarding Supply and installation of various apparatus for open Gym 2468/PW-1 dt. 10.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/13/22-23(2nd Call) regarding Construction and Upgradation of CC road and masonry drain-2357/PW-1 Dt. 05.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/12/22-23(2nd Call) regarding Construction and Upgradation of various masonry drain-2356/PW-1 Dt. 05.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/12/22-23(2nd Call) regarding Construction and Upgradation of various masonry drain-2356/PW-1 Dt. 05.11.2022
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/16/22-23 Construction of RCC slabs in different places in different wards within Balurghat Municipality
NIet-MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/09/22-23(3rd Call) regarding Construction of Asbestos shade providing sqare kollow section truss at Chakvrigu Bruning Ghat In ward no.15 (2271-PW-1 Dt. 22.10.2022)
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/MAACANTEEN/01/22-23 regarding MAA Canteen under Balurghat Municipality (2166/PW-1 dt. 12.10.2022)
NIeT MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/11/22-23(2nd Call) Repairing of Community Hall in different ward under Balurghat Municipality (2032/PW-1 dt. 22.09.2022)
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/06/22-23(3rd Call) - Renovation and Upgradation of Foot Bridge Foot Bridge
MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/15/22-23 - Laying part of balance distribution Pipe Line in Ward No.1
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/12/22-23 - Construction and up gradation of different Masonry Drain
MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/13/22-23 - Construction and upgradation of different CC Roads
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/14/22-23 (NIeQ regarding repairing of Toi Train at S.R. Park and Banalata Park)
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/09/22-23 (2nd Call) Construction of Asbestos Shade providing square hollow section truss at Chakvrigu Burning Ghat
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)02/22-23 - Supply & Fixing Tri Colored decorative rope on existing street light poles under Balurghat Municipality
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/11/22-23 - Repairing of Community Hall in different wards under Balurghat Municipality
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/10/22-23 (Regarding construction and upgradation of parking place in different places under Balurghat Municipality)
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/09/22-23 Construction of Asbestos Shade providing square hollow section truss at Chakvrigu Burning Ghat
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/08/22-23 Supply of Esmac-PR (CRRI Approved)
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/07/22-23 - (2nd Call) Construction and upgradation of Different Development Works
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/AMRUT/HSC/PW/05/22-23 - House Service Connection
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/06/22-23(2nd Call) - Foot Bridge
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/WS/01/20-21(2nd Call)
NIeQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/BEUP/03/21-22(3rd Call)
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/03/21-22(2nd Call)
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/01/21-22(3rd Call)
NIeT-MAD/ULB/BLGT/BEUP/02/20-21(2nd Call)
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/21-22 (2nd call)
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)03/21-22 (2nd call)
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/01/21-22(2nd Call)
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/O&M/02/20-21(4th Call)
NIET NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/PW/03/20-21(2nd Call)
NIeT MAD.ULB/BLGT/PATHASREE/01/20-21(2nd Call)
CORRIGENDUM against NIeT No. 1547/PATHASREE/PW-1 Dt.31.10.2020
CORRIGENDUM against Memo no. 1380/PW-1 DT. 12.10.2020
NieQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/COMP/20-21(2nd Call)
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)04/20-21 (3rd Call)
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/O&M/02/20-21 (2nd Call)
NIeQ MAD/ULB/BLGT/HEALTH/01/20-21(2nd Call)
NIeQ No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/S&C/01/20-21
NIEQ NO. MAD/ULB/BLGT/(ELECTRICAL)01/20-21(2nd call)
NIeQ regarding suplying of electrical articles for the year 2020-21
N.I.e.T for Supply, Erection, fitting and fixing of 12.5 Mtr. High Mast with LED flood lights
NOTICE of Cancellation Memo No.4057/MDM/G-11 Dt.08.03.2019 (e-Quotation invited No. MAD/ULB/BLGT/MDM/01/18-19)
NIEQ for Hiring of tractors, Bolero Pickup & Tata Ace Vans for Sanitary and Conservancy department for Balurghat Municipality
N.I.e.Q for Yearly maintenance work towards removal, spreading and dressing of Daily Garbage at Municipal Trenching Ground
NIeTender for supply Installation and commission of CCTV